Friday, December 2, 2011

Oakley,Top Dog December 2011

Atascadero Bipi Gi's is proud to announce the newest member to our Wall of Fame,
Top Dog of the Month "OAKLEY" from Atascadero CA.

Oakley is a sweet natured 4 year old Shihtzu, who was adopted all the way from Oregon. Oakley's Mom and personal assistant Lynne states, that after an extensive search for the right companion, she found Oakley on the Internet. His previous owner could no longer care for him so he was put up for adoption. Going on high hopes and dreams of filling her life with this little bundle of joy. She drove for hours all the way to Oregon to get Oakley, and sure enough it was a match made in heaven. After all Oakley shares the same birth date as Lynne's son how could they miss, it must be fate, stated Lynne. Oakley was then relocated to Atascadero and now resides with Lynne and her son, living a very pampered life.

Oakley is groomed regularly at Atascadero BiPi Gi's where Colette and Nester tend to his hygiene needs. Oakley is styled in the Teddy Bear Cut with a #1 comb and scissored in a shorter style head and ear set, as he likes to dip his hair in his water dish. His nails are clipped and filed, ears cleaned and bathed in a soothing oatmeal bath with oatmeal conditioner, to keep his skin in peak condition. Lynne does a great job in between grooming with Oakley's upkeep. His hair requires daily brushing and combing, his breed is considered high maintenance due to the length and texture of the coat.  It doesn't shed but the hair does break and has a tendency to tangle easily with new growth, and it is vitally important to maintain the coat in between grooming. Oakley's breed type needs to be groomed every 4 to 6 weeks to keep the coat healthy. Oakley is fun to groom as he is a happy boy who loves to give lots of kisses and hugs to his groomers.

Internet security
               Internet Security 
Oakley on the Job
Oakley takes his job as security guard, very seriously, he sits visual over the computer and assures Lynne, that her son isn't visiting sites he shouldn't, on the Internet. He also will turn off the TV or change the channel when scary dogs are barking, as he doesn't want Lynne frightened by it.

 He enjoys his walks in the park, visiting with his best doggie pal Max, rolling in fresh green grass, his toy frog, and just kicking it with Lynne.

Yes, this is one pampered Pooch! He enjoys life to the fullest, while Lynne tends to his every need. He goes almost everywhere with her, and shares a deep devotion and love with his family, that many other dogs never find. Oakley is a lucky dog to have found such a loving home, most unwanted pets are left in shelters awaiting their fate lonely and cold, unwanted and forgotten about. It's a shame to see all these pets left on the wayside, it is a world wide problem, that just doesn't seem to go away. Why can't the Vets see that if they would reduce the price of spay and neutering and make it cost effective for a pet owner, we could reduce some of the torment, to these poor animals. Oakley is a lucky one, he found just the right companion who gives him unconditional love and attention. His life is now happy and healthy and he shows it by his unending love and companionship to his family.

Congratulations Oakley, on your win of Top Dog of the Month for December, we love you little buddy!

And that's the Buzz on Doggie Talk

{{Huggies to my doggies}}


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Meet the December Candidates

Meet December 2011
Top Dog of the Month Candidates

Tootsie, Queen of Couch Potatoes. She enjoys nothing better than kicking it with Mom in front of the Boob Tube, watching Animal Planet. She likes the one of the Cat playing the piano.

           Meet Vivian, she says eating peppermint patties is like have a cool sidewalk under your belly, and getting really wet for the swim suite competition, if there is one.


                                                  Then there is Bear,  the King of Hearts. 
                                         He bears the Royal mark on his forehead to prove it.
                                    It was an embarrassing situation when Pupperrotty caught him
                                                               taking his royal bath.


Meet Rubie!
                Ruby greeted all the tricks and treaties with lots of Candy, but she couldn't understand your not supposed taste it before you give it to the children.

Oakley believes in fashion statements, as he struts his stuff for the cameras, in his Christmas sweater. Green with red stripes for that seasonal pooch look.

You can vote right here on this blog by leaving a comment at the end of the blog. Please leave your first name only, and the pet you are voting for. Only one vote per person will be allowed. All comments on this blog are monitored prior to posting. Please keep all comments Pet friendly and by all means have some fun with it! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dracula's be ware!

                                        "Look out you little beastly Dracula's!"

Okay! I think I have a good solution for fleas and tic's. It is pure and simple and has helped Angelina, Myles, and Ozzie, I have found death to the beastly little Dracula's! It's been around for a thousand years, but never tried it. "Garlic Juice," That's right garlic juice, I it is pure juice extracted from garlic, dogs under 40 lbs, 4 spays on a piece of bread two on each side and the dogs go nuts over the treat.
 I have to admit, I gave it no credibility for working and thought, ya right! But it's been a week now and my dogs don't have fleas!. We tried everything and this is the only thing that worked. I was bathing my dogs every other day! I'm not kidding! But it's been a whole week now on the garlic juice and no more fleas!

Their breath doesn't smell, nor does their body, and they don't have fleas, I am so amazed! I had to buy the juice by the case so I have some for sale in the shop if anyone is interested in giving it a try. I hate chemicals and hate putting it on my babies, not to mention the expense. This is a great holistic, non chemical, remedy that is working for them.

 I have read some dogs can have allergies to garlic, so you should consult your vet if your unsure. But if you tried everything like I did, this may be something for your pet. I even have instructions on how much to give per body weight.
  Now this may sound a little crazier but I read if you put garlic Power on your cat, it will ward off the fleas, and won't hurt the cat. Fleas and tic's are repelled by garlic and won't go near the animal let alone bite him.  I have yet to try that so I can't recommend if it really works. Let me know if you have, so I can pass it on. Garlic Juice of all things, It's Amazing!
That's the Buzz on Doggie talk!

{{Huggies to my Doggies}}

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Understanding the cycle is the first steps in controling fleas, so I thought I would pass this along.

What is the life and life cycle of the flea, & why is flea control so difficult?

By , Guide
Question: What is the life and life cycle of the flea, & why is flea control so difficult?
Fleas. They make pets' lives miserable, and humans begin to itch just at the thought of them. Vets are often asked what pill, drop, dip, collar, or shampoo works the best to get rid of these persistent parasites. The answer is that there is no single method or insecticide that will completely eradicate (or at least control) a flea problem. The flea life cycle is fairly complex, and understanding the various stages will make it easier to get rid of them.
Answer: Collectively, all of the species of fleas are categorized under the order name of Siphonaptera. The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felix, is the most commonly found flea in the US and infests cats, dogs, humans, and other mammalian and avian hosts.Fleas thrive in warm, moist environments and climates. The main flea food is blood from the host animal. Host animals are many species - cats, dogs, humans, etc. Fleas primarily utilize mammalian hosts (about 95%). Fleas can also infest avian species (about 5%). Flea saliva, like other biting skin parasites, contains an ingredient that softens, or "digests" the host's skin for easier penetration and feeding. The saliva of fleas is irritating and allergenic -- the cause of all the itching, scratching, and other signs seen with Flea Allergy Dermatitis, or FAD.
Fleas have four main stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The total flea life cycle can range from a couple weeks to several months, depending on environmental conditions.
ADULT: The adult flea is very flat side to side. There are hair-like bristles on the flea body and legs to aid in their navigation through pet hair. Fleas have 3 pairs of legs, the hindmost pair designed for jumping. Fleas are well known for their jumping abilities.
Adult fleas prefer to live on the animal and their diet consists of blood meals courtesy of the host animal. The female flea lays white, roundish eggs. The adult female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day1, 500-600 eggs2 over several months.
EGG: The eggs are not sticky (like some parasites), and they usually fall off of the animal into the carpet, bedding, floorboards, and soil. When the flea egg hatches varies -- anywhere from two days to a few weeks, depending on environmental conditions. The larva emerges from the egg using a chitin tooth, a hard spine on the top of the head that disappears as the flea matures.
LARVA (plural = larvae): The larval stage actually has three developmental stages within this stage. Larvae are about 1/4" (6.35 mm) long, and semi-transparent white. They have small hairs along their body and actively move. They eat the feces of adult fleas (which is mostly dried blood) and other organic debris found in the carpet, bedding, and soil. Depending on the amount of food present and the environmental conditions, the larval stage lasts about 5 to 18 days (longer in some cases) then the larva spins a silken cocoon and pupates.
PUPA (plural = pupae): The pupa is the last stage before adult. The adult flea can emerge from the cocoon as early as 3 to 5 days, or it can stay in the cocoon for a year or more, waiting for the right time to emerge. When is the right time? (Never, say pet lovers everywhere!) Stimuli such as warm ambient temperatures, high humidity, even the vibrations and carbon dioxide emitted from a passing animal will cause the flea to emerge from the cocoon faster. This brings us back to the adult flea.
The entire life cycle is quite variable, as evidenced by the variability in each life stage progression. As mentioned above, the cycle can be as short as two weeks or as long as two years. That is why it is so important to remain vigilant, even when a flea problem is thought to be under control!
Related Reading:
What are the best methods to control fleas on my pet and in my house?

No More ChemicalsControl Fleas and Ticks Naturally with Diatomaceous
Flea & Tick TreatmentFlea & Tick Products for Dogs At Low Prices plus Free Shipping!
Flea pest controlComplete pest control, from birds to bugs. Call today!

Hope this helps a little
And thats the Buzz on Doggie Talk
{{Huggies to my Doggies}}

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Phoebe" Top Dog of the Month

                        "Phoebe" Top Dog of the Month

Phoebe, is in the top of  Doggie Talk News today! After an earth shaking win on Face Book. Kelly Plummer of Atascadero, Phoebe best friend and campaign manager, hit the campaign trail early in October to announce Phoebe's candidacy in the Dog of the Month at Atascadero Bipi Gi's Dog Grooming. It was told that Phoebe will WIN! Ms Plummer was seen knocking door to door with a big box of Milk bones, trying to make good on her statement of Phoebe's win. Plummer's fierce campaigning paid off, when in the last hours the race, votes began to over throw Phoebe's strong competitor Hugo, also of Atascadero.  Hugo showed a strong face in this campaign and was one of the top favorites. His campaign manger Taryn worked around the clock handing out fliers and pushing for Hugo's win, but in that final hour it was Phoebe, for the Win.


 Phoebe, was adopted by the Plummer's from the Short and Sweet Animal Shelter in Templeton back in 2007. As they walked the rows of cages looking for just the right pet, there sat little Phoebe, a 2 year old white Bischon mix with that sad little face just yearning for someone to love her. She captured the hearts of the Plummer family and it's been nothing but the best for Phoebe ever since. She now lives a life of happy ever afters with her new family.
  She enjoys her toys and play time with the Plummer family, with tug of war to playing fetch, and often times just quiet moments sitting around the campfire with the family.
 Ms Plummer says Phoebe doesn't beg from the table and has very good manners, but she had to admit that Phoebe will sneak a lick or two from the silver ware as they are being loaded in the dishwasher.

Phoebe is well cared for by her best friend Kelly. She brings Kelly with her to Bipi Gi's, to be sure that instructions for her grooming are just perfect, and to explain any necessary procedures to be preformed that day. Kelly shares cute stories with us and seems to love her Phoebe very much.

 I love my job, it's so nice to see how people who love their pets as much as I do mine, inner act with them. You always know who cares deeply about their pets. It's not because they are mushy over the pet or the demands they make, it' the way they see each other eye to eye. You can just tell when there is a deep communication that go's on between them.

Phoebe's picture now sits on our front desk and last months winner "Jake" has been moved to our wall of fame. Phoebe's picture will also show on all our headers, and Web sites with her own blog, and she will be the official spokes pup for the month. Congratulations Phoebe and hugs to you from BiPi Gi's.

 We hope to do the Top Dog of the Month every month for the next year. Our contest is only open to Atascadero BiPi Gi's customers, to show off our fine work and to let our customers have a little fun with their pets. Everyone has been a great sport and I want to thank everyone who participated.
New and old customers can enter any month, and past candidates can re enter but can only win Top Dog once, photo's of your pet can be submitted to only. Non customers are welcome to vote anytime on Face Book.

Atascadero BiPi Gi's is a full service Dog grooming Salon and Boutique and welcome dogs of all sizes. Colette is a National Certified Master Groomer, and we specialize in all breeds. If you like what you see drop on by, your always welcome. BiPi Gi's also has self service, tubs are open Mon-Sat 8-2

And that's the Buzz on Doggie Talk!
{{Huggies to my Doggies}}

Friday, October 28, 2011

Meet the November Candidates

            Little Miss or Mr NOVEMBER

Who will be the one to carry the crown for the Atascadero Bipi Gi's Dog of the month?  The race is getting close! The contestants were in all month getting pumped and primed for this contest. They are strutting their stuff on Face Book like you wouldn't believe. The back stage Moms and Dads are out getting the votes and the race is so very close.  We have 10 of Atascadero's cutes pooches, and the voting center on Atascadero BiPi Gi's face book is going wild.

Blossom is really putting on a show in her pink collar and matching heart, this girl knows how to accessorize and that pose OMG how can you resist it! Those long flowing ears and that look of submission. Hmmm...

Freckles thought this was the costume part of pageant. He figured the bones would throw off the judges and they wouldn't see he had a few too many snacks the day before.  None the less it must be working! Go Freckles.

 Hugo appears to be getting tanned for this Event he's been in the sun to make that coat get silky shine, nothing like a tan to sway the judges. Must be working because he has a big backing and seems to be one of favorites in this pageant. I hear he has a thing for Tye.

Izzy is a Wheaten Terrier who prefers to show off those eyes, after all who could resist this girl with those big brown eyes and the lashes batting at you, giving you that come hither look. Seems to be working the judges are liking that face.

Kobi is cute as a button, and loves his MOM! Feed me, Love me, Hug me.
That's his motto, and he's sticking to it! He is small in size but packs a powerful pose. Judges you need to take a second look at this huggable hunk. He just may end up man of the hour!

Kukki comes all the way from Japan to enter this contest and she's not scared of the competition, she brought her little companion Bones, as her body guard, and to keep her company while on tour. New comer to the area, but seems to be making a name for herself here on Doggie Talk.

Mojo's on the go go! He's a tuff little terrier, and was working out last week at Bi Pi Gi's and looking pretty buff there girls. He can now lift his sister LO LO over his head with one paw. How's that for 4 paws of steel and sex appeal!

Miss Phoebe, in her matching scarf and bow, giving that shy girl look. Loves to play dress up and do, "I'm the princess" and don't you forget it! thing.
Her back stage mom is fierce at the poles this month and has high hopes for a win. Her efforts have her in the running!


Rocky, He's DA man! I saw him last week at Bipi Gi's and he is giving Mojo a run for his biscuits. This guy has got it going on! He's been running the fence line and chewing up any thing that isn't nailed down to get in shape for this contest and he is determined to win it!

Zoey was caught by Pupperotties with a unknown companion.
The story broke last night on face book, don't know what the scandal will do for her chances in this contest. She also has been seen hanging out with one of the other candidates, to be named nameless.

Yes see it all on Face Book by clicking on our face book tab. If your not a face book member you can cast your vote in the comment section of this blog. All votes will be counted on the first of November and the winner will be posted in our next blog.  Winner wins a 15.00 coupon towards their next grooming, a biscuit, a big hug, and an 8 x10 photo posted on our wall of fame at Bipi Gi's. They also become our feature picture and personal blog on all our web pages.  All comments and votes are welcome.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Living the Dream

Living the Dreams of Happy Ever After

Nestor and Colette Gomez living the dreams of happy ever afters.
Nestor and Colette come from two very different worlds. Nestor is from Argentina and Colette from upstate, NY, met in Las Vegas Nevada, in March of 2008 and married in May of 2009. Together we eat breath and live Atascadero Bipi Gi's Dog grooming. We share our lives in the small town of Atascadero, on the Central Coast of California with our 3 dogs, Angelina, Myles, Ozzie, cat Tito, and an African Grey Parrot Joey. I guess you could say we are joined at the hip. We eat, work, shop, and play together every day. Life in a small town was different for both of us at first but we have settled in the community and enjoy the simple life with our little band of beggar's.

 Our pets and the business are our life, and I am so happy to have a man who loves the animals as much as I do. It sure makes life a lot easier with out all the fighting over how many I have. Nestor is sweet and kind to everything and everyone. He is not only the love of my life but my right arm at Bipi Gi's, as half owner he takes his role seriously. I can't believe it, a man who finally will get involved in my world, and he gets me.  I must admit at times it just feels weird, because my first marriage , the husband would say, It's me or the dogs. Now you know my only response to that was, gee I'll miss you!

 The animals have always come first, after all they can't take care of themselves. They can't open the can and serve themselves, OK most can't. They can't wash out their own dishes, because they don't have fingers to hold the dish rag, because tongue clean isn't going back in my cupboard. and putting their bowls away, come on, they can't reach the upper shelves in the cupboard, OK most can't...
 The point is most common house pets can't do for themselves and they have to come first.

You know if you don't feed Joey first, before you sit down, your not going to have a quiet meal, for 17 years, I have been putting up with that stupid bell! I don't dare get rid of it, it would break his poor little heart. Nestor or I have to cut up little pieces of meat to cool before we sit down or we all pay the wrath of Joeys bell. Nestor has the chair closest to the cage, and when he sits down, there goes the bell! Nestor says, one moment Jooey, is hot fo jue. Sitting in wonder of how the bird understood that one... amazing. But Nestor smiles at me, after he has given Joey his meat and says,  he as mi frien. Amazing I knew what that meant. lol.......Poor Nestor, god you just have to love him, broken English and all. Whats funnier is listening to Joey speak broken English, and Spanish, in Nestor's voice!

 Nestor has his little band of beggar's who sit around our table and aren't as lucky as Joey, they have to wait until we are finished with dinner then 3 dishes are made of the left overs and everyone gets taste of what was on  the menu. Like I said before, our dogs aren't spoiled we are just well trained.

Yes I have to say, I am the lucky one, I am living a dream life of Love, Laughter, and Harmony with Nestor and all my pets, and how sweet it is.  That's the Buzz on Doggie Talk

{{Huggies to my Doggies}}

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dogs in Atascadero

We're Not "Show" dogs but we sure could win a contest on who is the sweetest!

We Love Atascadero Bipi Gi's Dog Grooming!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What a fun Job!

What a fun Job!

At least that's what everyone thinks. ( Playing with the dogs all day ) When people say that to me all I want to do is ask them, " Want to trade for a week?" I really don't think people understand what my job really is all about. Don't get me wrong I would never again try to change what I do, or who I am. Been there done that, and brought home a T-shirt to remember it by!

  I did a career change in 2005, when my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. I sold my pet wash/grooming business, my home, my beautiful horses, and left my life here in Atascadero, just to go be with my Dad in Nevada. By the time I arrived there, he was so far gone that he only lasted 2 months to the day, and he peacefully passed away. I am so grateful that I was able to be at his bedside holding his hand when he passed, and I wouldn't have given up those 2 months for the world. I just wish I had know the time was going to be so short and I wouldn't have sold my life down the river, so to speak.
  Starting over in a different state, wasn't going to be easy, I was no spring chicken, who would hire me?  I needed to get a job and soon, because my finances were getting thin. 
  Having the title National Certified Master Groomer   didn't help me at all, none of the grooming salons wouldn't hire me because they were afraid of my talents and the title. Groomers are a bit protective of there businesses, they seemed  afraid of me rather than happy to have me. Audition after audition, I just couldn't find a job, I even had one potential employer tell me during the audition, that she couldn't possibly hire me because I was too good, and she didn't want her customers spoiled. After 35 years of dedicating my life to this industry.... now that just took the cake!
  I had to eat, and pay the bills, if the grooming salons wouldn't hire me then I would have find something else. That's when I decided a career change was in order. NO more dog hair!
 As I pulled in the driveway to our apartment complex I looked at the office door, suddenly I had a thought, what about office work, clean, nice surrounding, quiet, I really liked that idea, so I boldly walked into the office and asked for a job. The manager looked at me funny, standing there in her high class clean corporate suit, and after a moment or two of hesitation, she handed me an application. She said there may be a leasing agent position opening up soon, fill out the application, and, I'll let you know.

 Finally, after about 2 weeks I was given an interview. The questions were pretty straight forward, but then she asked me the question. The Big Question! "Why should I hire a Dog Groomer"?  I was stunned, I looked at her like a Deer looking into the head lights of a truck! That's when it really hit me, this is how people perceive me,( JUST A DOG GROOMER! ) a fun job playing with dogs all day! For the first time in 35 years of service to this industry, I realized this is how the world looks at my profession. It made me feel like snail trail, almost like I had wasted my life. How could I make it if no one would take me seriously?
  Then I looked up at her and in an instant stood to my feet and told her, I didn't spend the last 35 years of my life playing with dogs all day, I was a prominent business woman! I owned, worked and lived my business. I worked 14 hours a day 6 days a week sometimes 7, running a very successful business. Groomer is just a title, whats behind the name is so much more. We don't just play with the dogs all day, we are a dedicated people and work harder than anyone can imagine. Between customer service, secretarial duties, janitorial, bookkeeping, receptionist,and not to mention, sales, managerial duties, animal husbandry, counter clerk, continued education, advertising, and computer skills, you name it , we do it! and that's "including" grooming 10-15 dogs a day. Just a Groomer? I think not. Just because we wear jeans and t-shirts, doesn't mean we are less important in the business community, would you wear a shirt and tie if you had my job?, I asked, and she just sat there with her mouth hanging open. Hmm now what? I thought for sure I blew that interview, but guess what, she said your hired. I just smiled and said when do I start.
   I spent almost 6 years in Las Vegas, Nevada, working in property management. I worked my way quickly up in the ranks in the corporate world, where Nestor and I ended up managing our own community with over 200  residents. We were pretty successful at it too, turns out all my sales experience paid off.  The work was easy,  a lot lower stress, and steady paychecks, Nestor and I had health insurance, and even a 401k. I could dress nice, wear make up, get my hair and nails done, and not have dog hair in my coffee. I had my own private office, an office assistant, and maintance staff, if you can imagine that! Best of all it was 9-5 week days, with Saturday, Sunday, and all major holidays off. Talk about fun easy job, we were even given a free 3 bedroom home to live in with all utilities paid, woo whoo, we had it made.
Geesssss what a nice life.

 But something was missing, I was never truly happy, I missed my life, my passion, my talent, and my, home here in Atascadero.  I just had to come back to a place where I felt inner peace with myself and my life, so here we are, Nestor and I, working harder than you can imagine, standing knee deep in dirty dog hair, constantly soaked to the bone, and me pulling tiny hairs from my fingers, never getting my hair and nails done, and drinking hairy coffee,
 best of all


and thats the buzz on doggie talk
{{huggies to my doggies}}

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Transformation

(The Frog and the Prince)
The Transformation

Transforming a Frog to a Prince, can sometimes be a difficult task depending on the total condition of the frog, or in this case the poodle.  Poodles in general come to a groomer because the hair grows so fast and becomes tangled and gnarly, not to mention not very attractive to look at either. I am sure you poodle owners can understand exactly what I am talking about. We hear a thousand excuses as to why the frog looks so bad. Let me tell you right here and now, "it isn't my job to judge you or your home grooming skills". Why it looks that way is irrelevant. It's my job to fix it, and inform you of how to maintain the Prince in your poodle. You came to me because you needed my help, not my criticism. Groomers who yell need to get a life they can live with, or just deal with it.
When you arrive at the groomers I am sure you already feel embarrassed and ashamed of how bad the frog looks. There is no need for any groomer to yell at you or make you feel worse than you already do. I personally know how hard it is to work all day, take care of a household, family,run the kids here and there...  plain and simple the Prince is forgotten in the rush of daily living and turns into a frog. This is totally understandable, and I hate to say it but, it is normal and shouldn't be too much of a problem for most groomers. Unless, you ask for the Frog to be turned into a Prince with longer fluffy styles, then we can have a problem, especially if the frog is matted to the skin and you want, WHAT?  As I have said before we are dog beauticians not magicians. We can do several things to make the frog look and feel better and sometimes the process of shaving it off and starting over, is best. Please don't misunderstand what I am saying here, when your groomer says shave it, don't always take it that she's yelling at you, or she just didn't want to brush it out.  She or he is only informing you of the safest most humane way to fix the poor little frog without putting him in danger of brush burns or nicks and cuts from the sharp de-matting tools necessary for the job. Not to mention, the pain of pulling out those deep matts. Did you ever have to pull tangles out of your own hair? Just think of how the Prince to be, is going to feel all over his poor little body. OUCH!.....................

Starting over isn't so bad, hair grows back, and if you refer to my blog on, Wheres My Hair, then the Prince won't be embarrassed about the new do.

Now let me give you some helpful tips on how to keep your poodle pampered. The first thing is, take a slicker brush made for your dogs hair type, your groomer can show you which one to use, OH, you have one; you say, I see, then use it!  Brush your dog at the very minimum once a week. It should only take you 5 to 10 minutes, you can use a dematt spay lightly over the coat prior to brushing, and this will help take out tangles and make the pet smell a little fresher. When the dog is matt and tangle free, you can wash him if you like, or you can just repeat the process weekly. If you like bathing your pet, you can wash it but only AFTER YOU BRUSHED IT.

Drying Prince to be, is the key to your success. During the drying process, put the dryer down in-between, and bush out the damp coat a couple of times, just enough to separate the hairs, then proceed drying until completely dry and fluffy. This is the only way to maintain that curly coat or it will MATT! Wet hair is like a wool sweater it shrinks and the hair becomes frayed which causes the matt. Brushing is the only way to stretch out the hair and remove dead coat to make it fluffy. Your happy, Puffy's fluffy and your groomer will be exstatic.

Now back to the transformation part, because all poodle type breeds require hair cuts every 4 to 6 weeks, you will need to bring them to a professional groomer, hopefully it will be me. :) but one in your town will do. It's the groomers job, to bathe, fluff dry, do the nails, express anals glands, and clean the ears. She will know which shampoos and conditioners are best to use, and how to style your dog to best suit the breed and body structure. She or he should be able to transform your little Frog to a shining Prince with out blinking an eye. If you are doing your part, we can do ours in a safe humane way. Thus the frog is on the table for a shorter amount of time, less stressed, pain free, no de-matting charges, and the transformed little Prince will be back in your loving arms in no time.

I would just like to reiterate, it is much better to maintain the coat at home, because the outcome of your pets style depends on the condition. In such a case as; you caught a cold, went on vacation, or something went wrong, and you couldn't brush the frog for a week or two, don't worry. A few tangles, and even a small amount of matting shouldn't be a problem for any groomer to handle. If they yell at you, that's simple, take your money elsewhere. There aren't any excuses for rudeness and bad customer service. And thats the Buzz on Doggie Talk
and the Princess too!
{{Huggies for my doggies}}

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

dogs bring us joy

There is no greater joy than the first sight of light in your day. You roll over in bed, open your eyes, and these little four paws jump on your chest, ugh! Good Morning Angelina! She is so happy to see me, that cute little ball of fluff with her cold wet nose while she is licking my face. I never thought I would see the day when such a little thing would capture every inch of my spirit.
We adopted Angelina about 8 months ago, Nestor wasn't too keen on another dog, but how could he resist this little precious soul, she needed someone to love her. Iris was her name, but after spending an hour or two with her, I decided this just didn't fit, she looked so angelic that I started calling her Angelina. She seemed to respond to that name right away so Angelina it remains.
I have always been a big dog person, in fact the bigger the better, my last big dog was Distance, 120 pound Irish wolf hound, problem being he only lived to be nine and our time together was just too short as are most big dogs. Why in the world would I want something that is the size of Distance's paw is beyond me, but here she is, and here she will stay. In fact I don't think my life would feel as full as it does now with out her. She makes me laugh and gives me calm feeling that I just can't explain. Being a groomer can put a lot of stress when dealing with hard to handle dogs and clients but one little cuddle from her makes the stress less and calms my spirit.
Angelina loves taking her daily trips to the shop with me, I know this because when I am getting dressed for work she grabs my pant legs as if to say don't you dare leave with out me. She is the first to the door with her tail wagging or rolling over exposing her belly as if to say, I am just to cute to leave home, so don't even think about it! So off we go together, to start another busy day.  Some may say it's cruel to leave her in a cage all day but what they don't realize is that she not only loves her santuary, she loves to watch my every move, and leaving her to run would only put her in danger of a large dog coming into the shop. She goes out side with me for all my breaks and runs the shop when no one is there, this seems to work for her. She greets every one happily and enjoys the interaction with the clients, and you know they all have to pet her. When she is at home she has free range of the house and yard, a doggie door to go out at her leisure, or to bask in the sunshine.

I have found a lot of people just don't like Pomerania's because they can be a bit barkie and too needy, but Angelina isn't much of a barker, she prefers to cuddle on the couch or play with her brothers Myles and Ozzy. She isn't needy at all, and can go off by herself , often times I have to hunt her down and will find her taking a nap under the bed all by herself, I think I am the one who is needy, I want her with me where ever I go. I am constantly looking for her when she is out of my eye shot. I don't think she knew she could walk for the first month I had her because she was always in my arms. Now she struggles to get down and go play.

Nestor seems to be the pack leader in our home, or should I say the spoiler, funny thing is I don't see a pipe! Like the pied piper all the dogs and the cat follow him every where, the yard, the garage, working on his car. Where ever he is you can be assured you'll find all the pets including the cat usually bringing up the rear. Angelina has now joined his pack and follows not far behind him. Hey! that's my dog! Actually they all were mine until he joined the house hold. What's with that! All I wanted was a little lap dog of my very own. Seems Angelina saw differently, but it's OK I know she loves me best and that's good enough for me. I can't believe I have turned the bundle of fluff into a competition of who loves her more. Does it really matter?
She had me at Hello, looks like Nestor had her at see Ya later MOM...I'm going with Dad.

Our animals bring us a lot, not just costs of food, grooming, and Vet care, that's all part of having a pet, you would have certain costs if you were growing a tomato! It's the spirit of life, and the joy they bring to your soul. The laughter, heart warming snuggles, kisses on you face, the never ending
 unconditional love, and devotion they give. And that's the Buzz on Doggie Talk!

{{Huggies to all my pets}}

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are Muzzles Cruel?

Don't even touch my feet!
Handling biters, can be very challenging, these dogs are usually pets sent from one groomer, to  another,  where they pick up new ways to escape the grooming process. Trust me, they learn quickly just what it will take for that pesky groomer or owner to leave him alone. All they really want is for you to stop, and they will do what ever it takes for you to do just that.
The best way is to do ONE, or ALL of the following:  BITE, SCREAM, DEFECATE, URINATE, FIGHT, OR FLIGHT. It can become so frustrating at times, that you end up sending a dog home, unfinished, and the poor unsuspecting owner is asked not to return.  Sound familiar?

I really hate it when that happens.

 When any groomer gets a real "Houdini" on their table, it creates serious problems and they require more time and effort. Reasons for this include possible injury to the groomer and/or the pets they are working on. In some cases a 20 minute finish becomes an hour or better instead. This puts the groomer way behind causing them to rush on the rest of the pets in the shop. Groomers get stressed and pressed for time and sit with the fear of hurting someone or themselves. This isn't fair to the groomer, the other pet owners, or their pets.
I have worked in several shops over the years and have seen first hand of what can happen. The good thing is, the mistakes of others, and my own, have taught me well.
 Take a deep breath and be patient, and keep in mind that we are dog beauticians not magicians.
Then I call Nestor for help.

 My first concern is for the health and well being of your pet, they are priority above myself. I try to take a little time with all new clients to get their pets profile. By asking questions, and listening to the client, I can easily pick up on key words that will alert me to the personality and quirks of the dog. If the owner is honest enough, they will tell me, the dog may bite, if this occurs  I dig a little deeper and find out whats the real deal by listening and asking more questions.  If he bites just for nail trims, no biggie, this is common and can easily be handled with Nestor assisting. Sometimes a soft muzzle is needed and will quickly be removed when the procedure is complete. The process is quick and easy and less stressful for the pet. If  the owner tells me the dog is very unruly for the entire grooming process, I discuss all the options, costs, and procedures. If we all agree, I move forward with caution. In most cases it just takes a little patience, and understanding animal behaviour.

Because we want all involved to be aware and informed, a full report is given upon pick up. Good or bad, I want my clients to know how their pet reacted while in my care. This is important information that should be passed to anyone that may have to work with your pet in the future. I find being truthful is always in the best interest of the pet.

There are some pet owners out there who get very upset if you muzzle their pet.They think it's so cruel and will often not allow one to be used for any reason. It's this kind of thinking that makes our workplace an unsafe environment. Muzzling a biting dog, is at times the only way to ensure the safety of the groomer and pet. They are tools of the trade and used only when necessary, for restraining a biter.
You must realize that dogs are animals, and although faithful and sweet, if they don't want something done, or they are afraid, they can and will bite!

 When the owner of a biting dog refuses to allow the use of a muzzle, they are letting you know that your safety, and that of their pet, is not their concern. Those dogs I WILL NOT TAKE, and the only option for that owner is, to find someone who will. It's not just for the fact I could be seriously bitten, and unable to work, but the dog could end up getting hurt as well. Biting at sharp grooming tools is very bad! Eyes, mouths, noses, tongues, and ears are attached to that cute face, and can be easily injured.

 Soft muzzles are not cruel, and they do not restrict breathing . They come in various sizes to fit most breeds comfortably. They are a helpful tool used by groomers, Vets, trainers and handlers alike. Like any tool of the trade, they are not to be miss used.

 It is a rarity in our shop to ever have to muzzle a dog. It's not the norm for dogs to bite us. If anything, we are licked to death. However, we do want you to know our thoughts, and That's the Buzz on Doggie Talk!
Feel free to share your comments.

{{Huggs for my Pets}}

Image credit to

Friday, September 30, 2011

Saying goodbye

He loves all creatures great and small
  As a believer in God, and his love for all creatures great and small, I have come to realize how precious life is, so when an animals come into my life I have a tendency to become more than just emotionally attached. They become part of me, part of my spirit, and an extension of who I really am. I assume most animal lovers feel the same way.  It really doesn't matter if it's a dog, cat, horse, or even a silly bird, like my African Grey  "Joey".  When your animals bond with you they take on similarities that would resemble you.  I see it all the time, pets often look and behave like their human companions. 

  We love our pets, so much, because our pets bring us such joy, and they fill our hearts with emotions of love, laughter, comfort, and pain. They are our protector's, and jesters, care givers, and even set us in motion to begin each new day,  they love us so unconditionally and serve us with out hesitations, willing to do battle or lay their lives down, just to save ours.  

  The main problem with this fixation we have with our pets is, they don't have the life span that God has granted us. They are only here for a season of our life time, they have been loaned to us, possibly just to prove to God that we are capable of loving. 

  But as the good book tells us, God giveth and he taketh away, sometimes with out understanding it all, we have to say goodbye and it leaves our  heart wrenching with this devastated feeling of loss.  Saying goodbye can affect some of us as though we lost a child, or parent, a sibling, or best friend, because our beloved pet was our whole world. The grieving process is the same, because it's a loss of our extension, part of our spirit, part of what we are made of, and part of our deepest love.  Sometimes we lose them to illness, or old age, some to accidents, others, that had no other choices, what ever the reason they still take part of you with them when they go.

I understand these feelings of loss, more than I care to admit, because being an animal love from birth, my life has never been with out a companion, and I can't ever imagine not having a one to over fill my cup with love. I have had many of my little companions over the years succumb to the cruel sting of  death and or separation, I still feel the sting of their loss, and my heart cries sometimes when I think of them. The loss is real and it hurts very deeply, I get through it by knowing there is a place where we will see them again, because contrary to what others believe, I believe in heaven, and God loves all creatures great and small, so surely he has made room for us all.

   For me, life is to short to suffer one day of being lonely or empty, I know my animals are watching over me, and they don't want me to be sad,  so I don't replace them, I just refill my cup with love. Shenandoah, Angel, Micah, Tidy-Bumpkin, Distance, and Roxanna, still are part of me, and they are waiting for me patiently on the mountain top, just like they did  when I come through the door. Never forgotten, the spirits of my soul, forever more.
In loving Memory of a friend named "Bella"  We love you Steve and Kristina, Bella will always be remembered in our hearts.

photo by JDeahn designs

In Loving Memory of a friend named "Lucifer" Jeremy and Joey, we share your loss and hope you will soon have peace in your hearts.

         painted by Willy Reddick

peaceful rest my friend

We at this time would like to extend our sympathy to the Allens of Atascadero, their beloved shephard mix "Annie" had been ill for some time, and after extensive Vet care and treatments, she has passed away peacefully. Annie spent many visits at BiPi Gi's, she was so sweet, we will sadly miss her. Our hearts share the grief for the Allens and for "Annie" may God bring you peace in your hour of need.
 with Love
                                                       Nestor and Colette

    In loving memory of Freckles Walti
   Freckles Pass away after a long illness that took hold of his senior years. He was so sweet and we are all devastated over his loss.  He was a fairly new client to BiPi Gi's and we really became very attached to this little fellow. He was one of the sweetest Bassets we have ever had the privilege of grooming, he will be sadly missed.   
 Mr and Mrs Walti I pray you feel comfort and peace in your time of sorrow.
Huggs to you both,
Nestor and Colette

In Loving Memory of Coa Co Hard  Coa Co passed away earlier this month of old age. She was Mrs. Hard precious poodle who gave her years of love devotion and companionship. Her little friend Mister, misses her very much. Coa Co was loved by her family and she will be sadly missed. BiPi Gi's wishes to extend their sympathy to Coa Co's Family and Friends. God Bless Nestor and Colette

{{Huggs to All my Pets}}