Friday, September 30, 2011

Saying goodbye

He loves all creatures great and small
  As a believer in God, and his love for all creatures great and small, I have come to realize how precious life is, so when an animals come into my life I have a tendency to become more than just emotionally attached. They become part of me, part of my spirit, and an extension of who I really am. I assume most animal lovers feel the same way.  It really doesn't matter if it's a dog, cat, horse, or even a silly bird, like my African Grey  "Joey".  When your animals bond with you they take on similarities that would resemble you.  I see it all the time, pets often look and behave like their human companions. 

  We love our pets, so much, because our pets bring us such joy, and they fill our hearts with emotions of love, laughter, comfort, and pain. They are our protector's, and jesters, care givers, and even set us in motion to begin each new day,  they love us so unconditionally and serve us with out hesitations, willing to do battle or lay their lives down, just to save ours.  

  The main problem with this fixation we have with our pets is, they don't have the life span that God has granted us. They are only here for a season of our life time, they have been loaned to us, possibly just to prove to God that we are capable of loving. 

  But as the good book tells us, God giveth and he taketh away, sometimes with out understanding it all, we have to say goodbye and it leaves our  heart wrenching with this devastated feeling of loss.  Saying goodbye can affect some of us as though we lost a child, or parent, a sibling, or best friend, because our beloved pet was our whole world. The grieving process is the same, because it's a loss of our extension, part of our spirit, part of what we are made of, and part of our deepest love.  Sometimes we lose them to illness, or old age, some to accidents, others, that had no other choices, what ever the reason they still take part of you with them when they go.

I understand these feelings of loss, more than I care to admit, because being an animal love from birth, my life has never been with out a companion, and I can't ever imagine not having a one to over fill my cup with love. I have had many of my little companions over the years succumb to the cruel sting of  death and or separation, I still feel the sting of their loss, and my heart cries sometimes when I think of them. The loss is real and it hurts very deeply, I get through it by knowing there is a place where we will see them again, because contrary to what others believe, I believe in heaven, and God loves all creatures great and small, so surely he has made room for us all.

   For me, life is to short to suffer one day of being lonely or empty, I know my animals are watching over me, and they don't want me to be sad,  so I don't replace them, I just refill my cup with love. Shenandoah, Angel, Micah, Tidy-Bumpkin, Distance, and Roxanna, still are part of me, and they are waiting for me patiently on the mountain top, just like they did  when I come through the door. Never forgotten, the spirits of my soul, forever more.
In loving Memory of a friend named "Bella"  We love you Steve and Kristina, Bella will always be remembered in our hearts.

photo by JDeahn designs

In Loving Memory of a friend named "Lucifer" Jeremy and Joey, we share your loss and hope you will soon have peace in your hearts.

         painted by Willy Reddick

peaceful rest my friend

We at this time would like to extend our sympathy to the Allens of Atascadero, their beloved shephard mix "Annie" had been ill for some time, and after extensive Vet care and treatments, she has passed away peacefully. Annie spent many visits at BiPi Gi's, she was so sweet, we will sadly miss her. Our hearts share the grief for the Allens and for "Annie" may God bring you peace in your hour of need.
 with Love
                                                       Nestor and Colette

    In loving memory of Freckles Walti
   Freckles Pass away after a long illness that took hold of his senior years. He was so sweet and we are all devastated over his loss.  He was a fairly new client to BiPi Gi's and we really became very attached to this little fellow. He was one of the sweetest Bassets we have ever had the privilege of grooming, he will be sadly missed.   
 Mr and Mrs Walti I pray you feel comfort and peace in your time of sorrow.
Huggs to you both,
Nestor and Colette

In Loving Memory of Coa Co Hard  Coa Co passed away earlier this month of old age. She was Mrs. Hard precious poodle who gave her years of love devotion and companionship. Her little friend Mister, misses her very much. Coa Co was loved by her family and she will be sadly missed. BiPi Gi's wishes to extend their sympathy to Coa Co's Family and Friends. God Bless Nestor and Colette

{{Huggs to All my Pets}}

Thursday, September 29, 2011

why does my dogs hair cost more than mine?

We get crazy questions asked all the time, but none can compare to, Why does my dogs hair cost more than my own. I really have to address this question because, inquiring minds just want to know!

When you walk into your beauty parlor you ask for a wash, and set, sometimes cut, color, perm, or what ever you want done to your head of hair. Key words being, "head of hair."

 Now I have to ask, when was the last time you walked in a grooming shop and asked for only the head to be done on your dog? If you did, I may just give you one of those famous Colette, what are you kidding me looks! But then I would politely take the dog proceed with your request, and would only charge you a few dollars, and send you happily on your way. Would you really be happy with that?

When we do your dogs hair, we wash the entire dog, no matter what the size, not just the head, we give a full body hair cut, clip the nails, pluck and clean the ears, blow dry, , express the anal glands and do a very nice trim around the privates , and style your pets hair to suite the breed. Have you asked your hair dresser to do any of the above, to you?    Think about that.

And not to mention, you don't bite her, crap or urinate in her chair, struggle when you don't want your face cleaned, or your nails done. You don't bark or wine as loud as you can while your waiting your turn, and she would never allow you to lick her face right after you licked your butt (assuming you can) either.

Dogs groomers do it all, we do our own books, answer our own phones, shampoo and groom all the pets to your specifications, do all the receiving and check outs, clean our own cages, and our own shops as well. Sometimes we even write silly blogs just to show how much we care.

 We are hands on everything, our knowledge, skill, training abilities and passions run deep just for our furry clients, and we are worth our weight in gold when it comes to the health and well being of your pet. We love them just like you do, and our pledge to you, is to keep them safe, happy, beautiful and loved.

So you see, I really don't think your paying more for your pet, your just paying your hair dresser to do a whole lot less.

Oh and one more thing, they don't give you a cool bandanna or lots of kisses and hugs when they are done either. :)  And that's the buzz!

{{hugs to all my pets}}

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Where My Hair?!!

I love my new doooo.....
You have just picked up your dog "Spike" from the groomers. You asked your groomer to buzz down the dog, because its way too hot for her with the summer heat. When you first saw her, you said, oh... she looks great!, and she will be much more comfortable now. So you get her home, so happy to show off her new do, and you say to your family,"Look at Spike, isn't she pretty with her bow?", and everyone starts rolling on the floor, in hysterical fits of laughter, holding their bellies, and pointing at little Spike! “Look at her she looks so stupid!” Then you look at Spike, and begin to laugh yourself, so hard in fact that your soda is spewing out of your nose, which makes everyone laugh even harder!
 Ha ha ha..rofl...

Poor little Spike doesn't know what to make of this display, and she gets so embarrassed that she makes way for the nearest bed to hide under. After about a week she emerges from under the bed, cowering and frightened at who would see her. Sound familiar?
Next thing you know, your out telling the neighbors "Oh that terrible Groomer did such a bad job! She shaved all the hair off my poor dog! The dog was so embarrassed she hid for a week.”  Your very sympathetic friends, who readily agree with you,  tell their friends, and so on. So now that you have bad mouthed your groomer to your neighbors and friends, you surely need to find a new groomer for next year’s summer do.

The next summer you find yourself another groomer, hoping for better results, and you ask again for a summer buzz. You pick Spike up again, and bring her home with her little bow, and the same thing happens, and Spike, "again" is heading under the bed to hide!

Can you guess why Spike took a hike? What was the common denominator here? Was it bad grooming, or the fact that you all laughed at her?

We must remember our pets value our opinion, often more than we do of each other. Far more! They have real feelings, they can feel hurt, pain, embarrassment, love, fear and many other emotions just as people do. That laughter ruined Spikes chances to be comfortable in the summer because, now you have to leave her long, due to the stress you caused by laughing at her the first time, then to do it again the next year, you increased her fears of losing her hair. Spike only wanted to be accepted and loved, with or without her hair. So next time you need your dog shaved, prepare your family not to laugh and be supportive of your decision. Show love and acceptance of her and her new do, and I promise you won't be dragging Spike out from under the bed. One more thing, if you don't want it shaved, Don't ever tell your groomer to buzz her down, cause that's what you'll get, and That's the Buzz on Doggie Talk
{{{Huggs to all my pets}}}

Thursday, September 22, 2011

hair of the Dogs

First off let me introduce myself. My Name is Colette I am a National Certified Master dog groomer in Atascadero CA. I eat sleep work and play with dogs on a daily basis. My clothes, coffee, and everything I live and work with is covered with dog hair of one color to the next. Sound familiar Groomers LOL...

My husband Nestor is a loving understanding man from Argentina, who speaks very little English, he lives and breaths my world and loves every minute of it as well. Good thing seeing we own Atascadero Bipi Gi's Dog Grooming, and as partners we work together every day. He's always there to say Hello to all our furry friends that enter the shop. Customers love the idea that their dog gets Spanish lessons for free and to see how much attention each little critter gets from him.
Not many men like to share their wife's passions, I guess I am lucky to find someone who has the same passion for animals as much as I do. They truly are our life. By the way he's covered with hair too!

Angelina is our newest and spokespup for the shop. She is singing happy birthday to me. God we love this hairy little beggar. She to, loves to greet everyone as well. I never had a dog that wormed her way into my heart as quick as she did. She had me at Hello.
Our other two dogs Miles and Ozzie, the cat Tito and our bird Joey
all co-habitat together with us in a little 2 bedroom house with a big back yard to run and play, with out a care in the world.
Mind you, our pets aren't spoiled one little bit, Nestor and I have just been well trained by them.

Bed time is always a real treat, trying to sleep with 3 dogs and a cat all tangled together at your feet, or on your head, walking across your belly in the middle of the night, or having one of them literally push you out of bed to give them space to stretch. NOW that going a bit to far. But for the love of dogs we put up with it and go lay on the couch, not always the smartest thing, They follow you!!

Going to the bath room with 4 animals watching gets a bit crowed, and if your lucky enough to close the door before they all try to beat you to it, they sit out side blocking the hallway crying, just to make you feel guilty. Speaking of guilt, try eating dinner while it's still hot. Joey our bird waits patiently with bell in hand and rings it off the cage door until you cut him his peace of steak and hand it to him. African greys are relentless. If you ignore him he cries Joey's hungrrryyyy and rings the bell some more. He will not be fooled with a piece of carrot either, he says where's the beef! Some day I'm going to steal that stupid bell!
Tito our cat has a dog complex, I really think he's part dog! I do! he will quickly respond when Nestor says TITO COME!!! or when we whistle, he likes dog food better that cat food, he climbs trees, but he is always falling out of them, don't laugh he does! he has no sense of balance. If he rolls over he falls off the bed! He isn't normal! But we love him just the same.

Dog Grooming isn't just a job for us it's a way of life, you have to have a sense of humor, a passion for animals, and like hairy coffee. You have to have the knowledge of a Veterinarian, patience's of a saint, the professionalism of a high paid corporate executive, you have to listen like a shrink, have the understanding of a scholar, and most of all compassion of God. It's not just dog grooming it's a  profession that requires skill, talent, respect, and love for all animals and their human companions. I love my way of life, hope you do too.

Well now that you have met me and my family, share a little about you. This blog is for dog lovers and we hope to bring you items of interest and share our knowledge about pets, feel free to comment and ask questions about your pets, also any grooming issues you may have. We would love to communicate with you.
{{{Huggs to all my pets}}}